How to

Send To Kindle

Send any book to your Kindle library using Amazon Send to Kindle

Direct Upload

Direct Upload

Use your browser to upload ebooks to Send to Kindle

Send With App

Send With App

Send to Kindle in seconds with the BookFunnel App


Send to Kindle Using Any Browser

  1. Download the Kindle file and save it on your phone, tablet, or computer
  2. Visit your Amazon store* and log into your Amazon Kindle account:
  3. Upload the Kindle File to Amazon!

*Send to Kindle uploads are not supported in all Amazon stores at this time. Use the BookFunnel app instead!

Image of Amazon dashboard Send to Kindle upload form

Send to Kindle with the BookFunnel App

The BookFunnel App is the fastest and easiest way to send a book to your Kindle library on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device!

  1. Install the BookFunnel app on your mobile device
  2. Tap the code on the download page
  3. Tap Send to Kindle

*Supported on devices running iOS 11+ and Android 9+


Send to Kindle Using Email

It is possible to add books to your Kindle library by setting up Amazon Send to Kindle Email Service. Amazon now supports direct file uploads from your browser, so Send to Kindle Email is no longer recommended.

If you love using Send to Kindle Email, it still works (as of February 2024).

For readers who are new to Send to Kindle, we highly and strongly recommend adding books to your Kindle library via the browser or BookFunnel app.

Having trouble?

We’re here to help! Send us a message and we’ll be happy to help you get your book to your Kindle.

Send to Kindle FAQ

With Send to Kindle, Amazon uploads the book to your Kindle Library. It is added as a ``personal document`` that is available in your Kindle apps and Kindle devices.

If you tried Send to Kindle Email and found it too complicated, you are not alone! Use your computer or the BookFunnel app and you’ll have your book in seconds.

The email method has little pitfalls that can trip people up, even experienced Send-to-Kindlers, like bad email addresses, missing attachments, ebooks that are too large to email… the list goes on.

When you upload the file with your computer browser or send it with the BookFunnel app, all of those complexities are eliminated and you get to just enjoy your book.

At this time, Amazon Send to Kindle does not always pull the author’s name from the ebook. It used to, but they’ve made a lot of changes in the last year.

When you send to Kindle using the browser or the app, you can type in the author’s name so that it is correct in your Kindle library. If you don’t provide the author’s name, it will default to your name or sometimes “Book” in the author field.

If you send a book to Kindle and the book title or author name are incorrect, send the book again with your computer browser or with the BookFunnel app! You’ll have the option to correct the title and author name before sending.